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The Rise of the Mezzanine

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses have been tested in many different ways, for some it has resulted in their unfortunate closure, whilst for others it has been a seed of opportunities with a massive boom in sales and business expansion (particularly in the case of online e-commerce stores). But with an increased […]

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What Puts the Eco in Ecotile?

The BBC program Panorama reported this week on Met Office predictions that if climate change continues at its current rate, snowy winters in the UK will be a thing of the past by the end of this century. For anyone with fond memories of snowball fights, sledging and building snowmen, it illustrates what the dry […]

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How to Spot a Good Quality Interlocking Tile

Too much choice! In our global economy we can choose from a huge range of products. Whether we’re shopping for a small household item or making a serious investment for our business our options can be overwhelming. But how to tell the difference between good quality products from reputable suppliers and cheap knock offs that […]

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Why the Electronics Industry Needs ESD Flooring

Ecotile ESD tiles give the electronics industry a high level of protection against electrostatic discharge. They are made with millions of small stainless steel fibres running through them so they are completely grounded and provide constant conductive performance. By positioning them on top of a conductive grid and laying earth points, the electricity flows out to the grid, managing the flow of ESD.

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